The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Luisa
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Domenico
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Miriam e Khalid
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Giuseppe e Maria
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Syed
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Maali
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Francesca
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Maria
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
The river of biographies | Vitto
The river of biographies is an artistic intervention realised within the ToNite project in order to strengthen the sense of community among those who live in the neighborhoods around the river. It consists in ten short films, accompanying those strolling along the Lungo Dora rover, from Ponte Mosca to via Cigna, by showing both the […]
Questa è la mia storia. Raccontami la tua!
Come nella raccolta originale le storie permettevano a Sharazad di “attraversare la notte” e di raggiungere la salvezza sfuggendo dall’ira del Sultano, così le biografie di quartiere e i racconti del territorio vogliono superare stereotipi e pregiudizi per creare maggiore vicinanza e inclusione sociale. Chi vuole raccontare la propria storia può usare la app Tellingstones per inviare […]
Biografie di quartiere: Sara
MILLE NOTTI sulla DORALa notte dell’AuroraLungo Dora SavonaBiografia: Sara Aurora in cinese è una parola formata da due caratteri che significano “oscurità” e “luminosità”, due aspetti che si completano a vicenda. Sara ha 18 anni e attraversa i ponti sulla Dora per portare e recuperare il fratello a scuola. La sua storia, fatta di ore […]